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Sol Wise received this email from a friend, and we hope this encourages you as much as it did us, to continue pressing into Jesus' command to forgive.
This lady is indeed moving forward with making her inner person a place where the Holy Spirit is comfortable to live and bring forth His purposes in the earth!

Dear Sol Wise! - 3

But Sol, God is faithful and He really doesn't allow us to be put to shame. So I got to the mike and God gave me a song. I opened my mouth and I was amazed at the quality of sound that came from me. And like I said, I am standing right beside "the bridesmaid".

I sang the song 'You are the love of my Life' and I dedicated it to the bride from the bridegroom. Well, they were just blushing, and I was singing and being eternally grateful to God for His help.

Sol, would you believe that by the time I walked back to my seat those memories and feelings no longer had power over me. I WAS FREE! Free to the point where I was able to go to "the bridesmaid" and genuinely greet and tell her how beautiful she looked - because she really is an attractive person. I was even able to inquire after her mother and aunt since I knew them.

Sol, isn't God amazing in the way He works!! He heard my cry and delivered me from that terrible bondage to the memories of the past. It was as though by putting me on the spot He restored my esteem and my honour, the things I had lost in that entire past situation with "the bridesmaid".

I had experienced shame, reproach, humiliation and rejection, and yet the Lord chose a wedding ceremony to restore me and bring me into the spotlight in a positive manner. I know that the quality of my voice at that time was God's anointing and grace. If I had not taken my complaint to Him it would have been a disaster.

At the end of it I realised that God had to do this, to cause me to see that I needed further healing in this area of my life - even after all these years - and this was His way of getting me to confront and put to rest this issue once and for all. And He made me look good in the process!

I was just so grateful to Him last night because He removed my shame and reproach. I don't know what "the bridesmaid" was feeling or thinking, but I know I had my issues dealt with and I thank God for setting me free in such a novel way!

I continue to be amazed at how God takes such care of us and sets our inner life in order so wonderfully.
In joy,
An Ever-Grateful Sister!

Sol's Pithy Pointer